Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Best Way for Online Business Owners to Reduce Phone Time

No matter what type of online business you are in, or how you communicate, you will find there are a number of reasons that you will need to use a telephone.

You may need to soothe clients who need to hear a real human voice or you might need to find a way to communicate with your colleagues that is more immediate than that of a simple e-mail or chat session.

The problem is that phone use, whether it is through a land line or through a cell phone, can cause you plenty of problems, especially if you let it get out of control.

For many of us, nothing is more simple or instinctive than calling someone to chat. While we here for the full article.

Gregg Zban is a General Manager with Coca-Cola Enterprises and has created a website dedicated to better Time Management, Sales Training, Interview Coaching, Leadership Development and more!

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